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At the origins of the cardigan…

If it is now a sensation on the catwalks and in our wardrobes, the cardigan has a rich history. Worn by French and British fishermen since the 17th century, it began to become more popular in the 19th century when Major James Thomas Brudenell, Earl of Cardigan, slashed his regulation woolen sweater with a saber to be more comfortable in its movements during the battles of the British Empire during the Crimean War... Thus giving birth to the iconic cardigan!

How to wear a men's cardigan?

From its invention, the cardigan met with certain success, and began to become more popular during the 1930s... Never to leave our locker rooms again! Remaining over the decades a synonym for elegance, by turns chic or casual, it continues to seduce men thanks to its style, but also its comfort and functionality. Want to fall for a men's cardigan? Here are some ideas to glean to inspire you and know how to wear this strong piece all year round.

Cardigan + shirt:

The always winning combination! We emphasize the refined spirit of the cardigan with a matching shirt and a tie. Complete the outfit with chino pants, a belt and leather dress shoes for a terribly preppy look.

Cardigan + t-shirt:

In a more informal register, the cardigan displays a casual spirit associated with a round-neck t-shirt (avoid V-necks, however). Wear it with the sleeves rolled up to emphasize its casual style, with jeans, a pair of lace-up ankle boots or white city tennis shoes.

Cardigan + suit:

In a professional setting, the cardigan brings extra elegance to your everyday formal outfits. With a suit, for example, opt for a buttoned navy blue men's cardigan, worn over a sky blue shirt and coordinated with your navy or anthracite suit. To add a touch of pep to your wardrobe, you can opt for a navy blue zipped men's cardigan model, to wear closed over a shirt and matching tie and dress pants.

A men's wool cardigan to stay warm all winter

Refined and versatile, the cardigan is a remarkably comfortable and practical piece, easy to put on, open or close depending on the vagaries of the weather. But when winter is in full swing, the men's wool cardigan, thin or thick, will be unanimously appreciated by modern gentlemen.

Chunky knit men's cardigan It is one of the strong pieces of the men's wardrobe. Warm, comfortable and very pleasant to wear, the thick cardigan displays an inimitable authentic and timeless style. Combined with a lumberjack-style shirt in flannel or chambray, or a round-neck t-shirt, it creates a rustic and relaxed look. Men's merino wool cardigan Less thick than the coarse knit cardigan, the merino wool cardigan has a more dressy feel, ideal to wear under a suit or over a shirt and tie in a professional setting. Furthermore, it benefits from all the qualities of merino wool: thermoregulatory, antibacterial, soft... And easy to maintain! Men's cotton cashmere cardigan At Eden Park, the men's cardigan is also available in a cotton cashmere version. A blend that will seduce you thanks to its timeless style and all the characteristics of cashmere: its softness, its luxurious appearance, and its incomparable thermal properties.

The men's black cardigan: a timeless sure value

Timeless and always in style, the men's black cardigan is an elementary piece of the men's wardrobe. Buttoned, it can be worn under an anthracite suit, combined with a shirt and tie in an elegant shades of gray. Zipped, we celebrate its athletic and contemporary spirit with jeans and a pair of city tennis shoes for a simple, yet trendy look, perfect for an evening with friends. In merino wool or a cotton and cashmere blend, the black men's wool cardigan should be included in your wardrobe now to spend the winter warm, without ever compromising on style. And to vary your daily pleasures, also discover at Eden Park our gray, blue, striped or plain men's wool cardigan models, decorated with discreet or more assertive contrasting details, and made in noble materials to combine comfort, elegance and functionality where whoever you are, all year round!

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